Thursday, March 15, 2007

NYC: I'm Ready to Strap on Riot Gear

I carry it in my purse, just in case. I have a miniature suit for my cat, too, because she likes to go out and crush skulls.

In anticipation of the Sean Bell verdict, the NYPD has put an extra 4,000 plainclothes on duty and repositioned scores of regular uniformed cops in five "trouble spots." Which I'm sure is simply a precaution, but come on. Yes, the NYPD has to be prepared in case anything does happen, but doesn't that attitude just underscore the disconnect between the races in our fair city? Or should I say racist attitudes on the part of the government? The natives are getting restless! They gonna fuck shit up! Get out the riot gear!

Anyway, I'm curious about the five trouble spots. One is outside of the courthouse. I'm guessing another would be Sean Bell's neighborhood. Where is that, somewhere in Queens? Email me if you can id the other three. Look for a bunch of coppers with billy clubs.


Russ said...

In keeping with the endemic and not-so-subtle racism theme, I'm going to go with South Bronx, Crown Heights, and Bed Stuy.

therefereeblows said...

Sean Beal?..... is that the really good actor from the Uk who starred in something or other?

Anonymous said...

Wot? No Stratford Mercenaries on the favorites (music) list? Bloody hell!