Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What's Weird About Atlanta?

What isn't!

Just kidding! I had a lovely time visiting Russ, Bunches, and the rest of the fam. Everyone in NYC keeps asking me if it was hot. It was not! And it wasn't nearly as white or pudgy as I had been led to believe.

The highlights were BBQ at the Swallow at the Hollow (which I could have sworn everyone was calling "Swallow IN the Hollow?); the Wren's Nest Museum; our thwarted attempt to check out the redneck laser show at Stone Mountain, the Cyclorama, and the Buford Highway Farmer's Market a gigantic market selling mainly Korean and Latino foodstuffs. They say if you take all of their jars of kimchee and rearrange them in a straight line, it will stretch all the way to Mars. Believe it or not! Also, we watched Idiocracy which is one of the funniest movies I've seen in years. Oh, and this little bugger.

The return home entailed a rude awakening of heat, humidity, body odor, and an empty bottle of sexual enhancement pills rolling around the floor of the Q33. Viva the squalor that is New York City.

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