Friday, May 11, 2007

Spring Temps Hit the 'Hood

Finally the weather's warm, and we're enjoying a real spring, as in SPRING! You know, that season that traditionally falls between winter and summer? More often than not the temperature seems to jump directly from 58 to 88 over the course of three days.

I've already posted a little bit about the kind of funny behavior you see at this time of year amongst the freaks that populate our fair city of Nueva York.

My own happy little corner of Brooklyn (hint: rhymes with "Frown Fights") has its own set of identifiers that herald the arrival of warmer climes. I love traditions, don't you?

1. New meat plan signs posted in window of butcher shop

2. Increased early morning loitering, higher incidence of newspapers being removed from box and strewn on the ground

3. Shiny new sneakers all around

4. Stem-laden dime bags of schwag can be purchased directly on the street instead of inside the "chicken spot"

5. Return of outdoor fish salesman positioned in front of $.99 cent store

6. More catcalling

7. Random gunfire

1 comment:

Russ said...

Ah yes, the "chicken spot." I recall that I was instrumental in the discovery of the dual nature of said spot. Scene: Coming home tipsy to your place during my last visit to NYC. You going into the deli for an ice cream bar while I waited outside because I wasn't hungry. You emerging with your ice cream bar and exclaiming "I thought you weren't hungry!" as I disappeared into the chicken spot with some dude. If I had been quicker-witted, I would have said "I will be!"