Monday, May 21, 2007

No, Jimmy, Don't Back Down!!!

I just read that Jimmy Carter went on the Today Show this morning and apologized for saying awesome and true shit about W over the weekend. Why, Jimmy, why???? You tells it like it is, Peanut. And I love you for it. You are right 99% of the time (Clinton shouldn't have pardoned Rich, Blair is an unspeakable toady, religion is too powerful in politics today, Bush is a dangerous fucking moron). So don't back down! I demand a retraction of this retraction!!

In other JC news, R2B2 is making her Atanta debut this coming weekend and I'm sure we will be making a pilgrimage to the Carter Center, of which I am a card-carrying member.

1 comment:

R2B2 said...

Love you JC, even if you are an Ay-rab lover.