This is the kind shit that keeps me up at night. I'm curious as to the consensus here. I think I am personally going with Belmondo on this one. I find him more charming and rugged, and I do like rugged. Plus the boxer's nose...I like that (see Javier Bardem, although please avoid seeing his tiny tiny penis at all costs; I guerantee it will fuck you up in the head. It's just not right!) Anyone who has seen Bunches knows I am a Belmondo girl.
However, the power of Alain Delon's sheer physical beauty in his youth (the above photo is from Rocco and His Brothers, an early neorealist Visconti flick which I highly reommend. Then again, I live and breath for Visconti so I am biased) is not a thing to be toyed with. My research on this subject led me to something rather odd - Alain Delon's MySpace page. This is just too weird for me. Picture if you will for a moment Alain Delon working on his MySpace page. See? I mean, we all know he is 5'10, athletic, and smokes and drinks. Caucasian is news to me. Just kidding. "Proud parent" is pushing it - didn't he deny his son with Nico and said son wound up a homeless junkie on Staten Island? Am I making this shit up? The best thing about his page, though, is the link to Sex, Drigs, Jews, and Rock'n'Roll, which is a tribute to Jewish songwriters. Maybe I should rethink this if he loves Jews. I'm no songwriter, but I did whip up a little number the other day about cat food, to the tune of Kool & the Gang's "Celebrate". (Cat-food-bration..come on...let's eat cat food...we're gonna eat some cat food tonight....bring your meows, and your begging too, I'm going open this bag and pour cat food out for you...etc).
Jean-Paul Belmondo does not appear to have a MySpace page, which restores some order to the universe.
This is turning into a bit of a rambling, shapeless post. I have too much time on my hands today - it's Rosh Hashannah and I work at a law firm, so there are no lawyers around.
Sacre bleu!! Pas de conteste! Alain Delon every time.
I had the hots for our Al when you were just a twinkle in Mr. Russ Snr's eye and anyone who has seen Mr. Russ Snr knows I am a Delon girl!!!
So stop talking merde.
Mrs. Russ Snr.
Delon, Delon, Delon, every time. Have you not seen Le Samourai? C'est magnifique!
Yes I have seen Le Samourai! And I do appreciate him, but he's not weathered enough. Have YOU not seen Pierrot le Fou????
Sweet jesus, I won't even waste a minute looking at the myspace page, I'll just rent Le Samourai and Purple Noon for gods sake. The man is CRIMINALLY handsome. You know how I feel about him, all francophilia aside.
Signed, Anonymous
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