Slate posted an interesting story yesterday called "How to hack Starbucks," not just about America's obsession with the rotten hell hole that panders $6 blended drinks made from powder, but specifically weird sites devoted to dissecting the Starbucks experience. Check it out.
Anyway, the story links to the Oracle of Starbucks, a funny site that tells you your personality based on your drink of choice. The Slate writer (tall house) was declared "Lame;" Vin Diesel (decaf triple nonfat espresso), "Freak." No argument there.
I'm an Asshat (double espresso)!
You carry around philosophy books you haven't read and wear trendy wire-rimmed glasses even though you have perfect vision. You've probably added an accent to your name or changed the pronunciation to seem sophisticated. You hang out in coffee shops because you don't have a job because you got your degree in French Poetry. People who drink grande espresso are notorious for spouting off angry, liberal opinions about issues they don't understand.
Also drinks: Any drink with a foreign name
Can also be found at: The other, locally owned coffee shop you claim to like better.
This is me (tall iced green tea no sugar):
Personality type: High Maintenance
You pride yourself on being assertive and direct; everyone else thinks you're bossy and arrogant. You're constantly running your mouth about topics that only you would find interesting. Your capacity for wasting other people's time is limitless. Your friends find you intolerable, that's why they're plotting to kill you.
Also drinks: Water. Bottled, chilled, with four ice cubes, a twist of lemon, in a crystal glass.
Can also be found at: Trendy martini bars
I'm grande latte --> LAME!
It's pretty accurate though. I do say friggin' alot and I have recently started drinking V8. EERIE!
I wish someone would call me an asshat.
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